Equestrian City Update – 07-30-18

So we’re just off the heels of BronyCon (Never been to one sadly) and we find out it’s the last one next year. This set off a bit of a panic in the back of my mind, the mentality being that if the fandom loses the main drive to collect and carry on, then we may lose fanficiton readers as well. I was told I was being silly, so onwards and sideways as Antonie would say.

We’re working hard to get Episode 10’s polish and edits done, but our fiery polish and proofreader is getting carpal tunnel practically on how fast she’s been moving on it! I’m looking for someone who can both polish the words AND proofread, and is willing to work with me. It’s a slow process.

I’m happy to announce we have DSHooves & Wubcake onboard to help us do the occasional voicing and such! Both are talented and welcome indeed to the project! 😀

We’ve nearly got the kinks worked out of the Equestrian City Discord server, so stay tuned for that! There’s been some internal discussion about a side series for Equestrian City, so we can focus on some of the side characters without overly boring some of you all xD

Here’s the equivalent of a teaser trailer for the next episode! 😀





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